Welcome to Divya Brahmlok Global Academy

Principal's Message

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Principal's Message

My school... My home

I am delighted to welcome you to Divya Brahmlok Global Academy, a sprawling campus, a spiritual living with a farming environment.

I wish to take you for a quick tour to our school to understand the uniqueness of this institution, the passion, enthusiasm, and commitment that both staff and students exhibit, making Divya Brahmlok Global Academy a unique and cherished place to learn.

The school, established in 2006, is founded and run by the Educational Society of Madhav Human Welfare Foundation, well known for its holistic education. Divya Brahmlok Global Academy has grown qualitatively over the years and continues its quest for excellence in the arena of school education. The school has state-of-the-art facilities and a highly committed and dedicated faculty.

Academic excellence is important, but we also provide our students with a wide range of opportunities and learning experiences beyond classrooms to be creative thinkers, problem solvers, and dynamic leaders. Students learn in an environment of mutual respect, enthusiasm, and commitment.

Our students have done exceptionally well in all the CBSE board examinations starting with the first batch of CBSE who passed out in the year 2015 and the subsequent CBSE batches who brought laurels to the school, securing the best result in the district of Kutch.

Students leave the school as dynamic and impactful global citizens, equipped to play a leading role in whichever walk of life they choose. We are proud of our sporting success, co-curricular and extra-curricular achievements, musical excellence, and celebrated success of debates and dramas. Our excellent team of teachers ensures that every student is guided and cared for, and their individual needs are met. They leave the campus accomplished in academic skills and become architects of lives that exceed expectations.

Student leadership is an intrinsic part of our school life. Our thriving Student Council plays an active and important role to ensure that the views of their fellow students are represented. I consider it vital that leadership opportunities are available to all, rather than an exclusive few, and I am confident that our ever-evolving initiatives will help to provide a balanced and holistic education.

I wholeheartedly thank the parent community for their untiring support and cooperation that makes the Divya Brahmlok Global Academy family complete and meaningful.

I strongly believe that an educationalist is a social engineer and his co-engineers are his students. Society can be transformed only through these engineers. So, mold them with ultimate care by providing holistic education combined with technological advancement so that they will become global citizens.

Divya Brahmlok Global Academy